
Fast and secure access to the right data, with quality control and traceability.

Project and forecast management that gives you a full overview, everywhere.

Unique unifying features for the small business or large company group.

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Bring everyone together.

Intranet with management functions and quality systems. Verify your procedures according to ISO or FR2000. Keep everyone updated.

Intranet / management system >>

Proper support.

Consistent and unified management. Full insight into the finances of the project. Folder system and project app for external users.

Project functions >>


High security and privacy, both for users and data. Run Wotodo in the cloud or on-premises.

Security options >>
Main image

Proper support.

Projekt- och prognoshantering

Wotodo gives you an overview of project participants, project finances, incoming files and shares, activities, and much more at a glance.

Forecast management gives you both the traceability and the future insights into the project's finances you need, with unlimited account structures. Ensure the quality of the project's finances through a uniform way of working for everyone, accessible on all devices, everywhere.


Picture of a report.
An example of a financial report.

Participants in the project can be gathered in an easy-to-use project app where project routines, contact information, project news, project files/folder systems and more are shared. The app is configurable per project with shortcuts, logos and specific project colors.

Offer clients and/or contractors a place in your own integrated system, where you have full control over both finances and files. You don't have to procure and pay for an external project system in every new project.

Copyright © Hoki Jamoki Software / Wotodo 2024